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Friday, February 27, 2009

TV TuneOut: A Winnetka Tradition

The 15th annual TV Tune Out 2009 will be held from

Sunday, March 1 through Saturday, March 7

Participate in fun activities while supporting local shops and organizations. There are activities and volunteer projects for all ages. You can find an "activity at a glance" page at (requires Adobe Acrobat), an online booklet at, or you can go to for more information.

Extra printed copies of the 2009 TV Tune Out Guide and extra TV Tune Out buttons can be found at the following locations:

* The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, Winnetka

* District Offices of the Winnetka Public Schools at 1235 Oak St., Winnetka

* Glenview Park Center

* Kohl Children's Museum, Glenview

* Northfield Community Center

* Northfield Public Library

* Winnetka Community House

* Winnetka Park District

* Winnetka Public Library

* Your school's office may have extras, as well